Learning how to use a map and compass is one of the most essential skills for backcountry navigation. Even with all the GPS technology we have today, it pays to know how to find your way around using no more than a compass and the Earth’s magnetic field
Learn to identify some of the most common and dangerous snakes. If you run into a copperhead, cottonmouth or diamondback in the wild you’ll want to know how best to protect yourself. This article will give you the lowdown on venomous snakes in the US.
Poison ivy is poisonous and a brush against its leaves can leave you with an angry red rash that can be extremely uncomfortable. This guide shows you where it grows, what poison ivy looks like, symptoms and treatments.
Everything you need to know about finding and treating drinking water in the wild. How to collect water when there are no streams or lakes. The best techniques to make dirty water drinkable.
Bug bites are the bug bear of many, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Follow the tips in this guide to minimise the chances of bugs spoiling your outdoor adventure.
Check out our bear safety guide to arm yourself with the kind of knowledge that could make your bear encounters safe and pleasant rather than leading to an, ahem, grizzly end.
In the 1930s mountaineers compiled the Ten Essentials Items for Hiking. We also highlight our own Ten Essentials list after going over the classic one.
As a new hiker, one of the first things you need to know is how to pack a hiking backpack. You’ll soon find that getting packed up and ready to go is probably one of the most important aspects of your upcoming journey as missing an important item can quickly place a pall over an entire trip.
Hiking is a free exercise alternative that can provide you with a number of health benefits, no matter your starting level of fitness or activity. If you’re looking to get healthier without spending hundreds of dollars to join a gym, hiking can be a great option for you.
Knowing how to properly execute these knots will allow you freedom and peace of mind when it comes to the security of your shelter, belongings, or safety. When enjoying the outdoors, knowing which knots are the best will ensure that you stay safe and your tent or tarp stays where you put it.
I've listed 25 different tarp shelter designs to help you get started. Each configuration has its pros and cons and there isn't really a perfect design for all occasions. You'll have to chose the right one depending on your situation or you could just try them all out to test your bushcraft tarp setup skills.
Learning how to use a map and compass is one of the most essential skills for backcountry navigation. Even with all the GPS technology we have today, it pays to know how to find your way around using no more than a compass and the Earth’s magnetic field
Learn to identify some of the most common and dangerous snakes. If you run into a copperhead, cottonmouth or diamondback in the wild you’ll want to know how best to protect yourself. This article will give you the lowdown on venomous snakes in the US.
Poison ivy is poisonous and a brush against its leaves can leave you with an angry red rash that can be extremely uncomfortable. This guide shows you where it grows, what poison ivy looks like, symptoms and treatments.
Everything you need to know about finding and treating drinking water in the wild. How to collect water when there are no streams or lakes. The best techniques to make dirty water drinkable.